Works For Turntable by Stephen Cornford
Friday, April 2, 2010 at 17:36
admin in Sound Art, installations, movie

After his great answers to the Five Sound Questions I would like to share Stephen Cornford’s Works For Turntable with you. A very nice composition for kinetic sculptures on ‘prepared turntables’. 

The strength of the work lies in the combination of the different sounds, and by adding and removing layers the repetition of the individual parts never becomes boring.

It is also the mechanical nature of the looping sounds that keeps them interesting to listen to. Unlike a lot of contemporary electronic loop-based music with the same sounds copy-pasted over and over again, in these Works For Turntable the looping sound is never exactly the same, there are slight variations in every turn.

Article originally appeared on Sound Art, Sound Installations, Sonic Inspiration (
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